Member-only story
My Very First Stalker
Hopefully my only stalker, ever

Stalking is a subject that fascinates me. Along with other areas of true crime, such as serial killers and such, it interests me a lot. For a short while though, my interest in the topic of stalking was crushed when I briefly had a stalker of my own. On the whole, there was nothing traumatic about it, thankfully, no one came to any harm, and the experience didn’t impact my life too much. I feel fortunate to say that it just makes a good story.
At eighteen, I joined a local LGBT+ youth group. It was the only one of its kind in the county, so although nowadays that sounds like a late age to join any kind of ‘youth’ group, it was significant at the time. I’d only been on one date in my whole life, a blind date set up by a friend, and that girl ghosted me after a short while, so suddenly being in a room full of fellow gay youngsters was incredible!
I’d been attending this group for a year when someone new arrived, we’ll call her Tammy (because that’s her name), and she attended pretty regularly but didn’t stand out. Tammy and I didn’t talk any more than I spoke to anyone else, so I wouldn’t have expected that she had any interest in me. Even when I began to spot her hovering outside my house, I didn’t think much of it.
The first time, I was leaving my house to go to college, and I saw her across the…